Nintendo Switch Catch Up & Synch

Don’t forget they took away all our Gems for a non-existant Event with no compensation afterwards. No. Devs lost all my trust.


That was the court of foxes fiasco right? Having no faction in the underworld meant not being able to get the faction troops and no way to get the hoard level upgraded.

Absolutely unacceptable.

I’m a patient man by nature and perhaps that makes me naive as well, but we will see what disaster unfolds when March 18th comes.


just PLEASE let us know specifically what troops are not in the chest or vault keys after synchronizing

UPDATE March 18th:

Happy synch day everyone!

Just a reminder that at today’s weekly reset the event and content schedule for Switch will be the same as all the other platforms!

In roughly 35 days we will send a global mail containing some goodies for you to use to collect some of the catch up content.

Please note that Rewards from Campaigns that haven’t run on Switch won’t be available until next week! We will post to let you know once that Campaign content has been released.


Thank you as always Kafka. I am glad that all platforms can have the same events and schedules planned at the same time moving forward. I don’t have to start posts with, "over here in Nintendo Switch land…":rofl:

U guys probably need more time to adjust the compensation and consideration for such a drastic change for NS players. We will be getting almost 100 new troops added and it can make people feel overwhelmed.

One way that u guys could help us out further is by interrupting the current mythic cycle in the soulforge so that u could put in the missing ones we will get after the synch which include:

Aravatar (Campaign)
Dread Captain Grim (Campaign)
Morthani’s Darkness
Guardian of Law
The Turquoise Emperor
The Void Dragon
Khronos (Campaign)
King Stormgard (Campaign)

I understand that the campaign mythics should be paid exclusive, but the other 10 could be available sooner so that we could get caught up and ease some stress. If this is not possible, I understand that we will have to try our luck with keys or wait for all those unowned mythics to rotate in the soulforge.

well, the game resets and no new contents have been seen so far

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We’re looking into it now


Not sure what there would be to see. Campaign ended last week, so it’s just the weekly world event in Darkstone. You should be able to find more troops in chests now, it’s probably better to hold off till next week for skipped campaign content to get added though.

Catch up content is missing from chests - the team are working on it asap - I’ll update you as we go.


if you’re at it - please release missing (catch up) weapons as well. Thank you.

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Team are working on all the catch up content at the moment.

The events have synched up though.

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The catch up content should be available now except for some faction, pet and social collectable content.

I’ll follow up again tomorrow during business hours about those things.


Except for Nightmare Circus。These troops have not yet appeared:
Gynosphinx、Hornwing、Keeper of the Paths、Maze Guardian、Ogretaur、Pandazerker、Rune Chanter、Satyr Trickster、Tawarite Priestess、Tempurath、Timberwolf、Waterborn Scribe、Werehound

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Hey all,

Any Faction and social content and pets that are still missing from the game will be added in in around 34 days around the time we do the global mail with all the goodies.

If you can see the content in your unowned items then it’s currently collectable.


35 days later :yawning_face:


And not even Nightmare Circus either. Waitin 35 days just to get nothing is quite disappointing.


@kasskados Kafka hasn’t spoken to me for about two weeks because they were busy conducting a beta test and getting ready for the holidays. This worries me and makes me feel uneasy. They forgot about us again.

Free round on me guys. This might take awhile.:beer:


…which just so happens to coincide with a studio holiday week…?

At least with regards to the Faction, this could have been AVOIDED ENTIRELY by hosting a Nightmare Circus Weekend Faction Assault on March 15th (instead of, what was it, Lyrasza’s Lair?) .


We have an Arena weekend starting 3 May which would be a great time to slip in Nightmare Circus for us poor souls on switch.

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