Next update

Does anyone know when this will be?

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La actualizacion esta sujeta al problema que hay por lo de las guerras … segun el juego las guerras empiezan en 13 dias osea que antes de eso deberia actialkzar … pero no dicen nd

The only info I have is what was posted in this thread -

It said: “Currently pre-determined region restrictions are being used which were hand generated. This will last until the week ending 5/03/2024. After that, the server will randomly generate the restrictions for all regions (except Central Spire), using the same seed (the seed will regularly change) for each player, so that all players have the same restrictions as each other each week.”

So I am assuming the second week of March there will be a new update, which will again mainly be a PVP update.

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Isn’t that the 3rd of May? So another 2 months?!

See this thread for guesses based on the standard amount of time between updates.

From what I’ve seen mentioned from spoiler data, the next update will be called Pillars of Light and will add the Monolith to PvP locations. It seems to me that battles in the Monolith award special buffs and are gated by Energy/Sigils. Something something Blood Frenzy…


So, if this schedule is correct, they will add more content that can mess even more with GW and they will need more time to evaluate and not fix anything already broken. Nice working schedule.


Your prediction does line up with the “catch up and synch” for Nintendo switch, so hopefully everyone will get an update around that time.

The continuous delays to update pvp and guild wars has me worried though. Two of my main concerns after 7.3 was released are as follows:

•how will vp scoring be adjusted so that it is fair for everyone? (Lower level players have a clear advantage and high level players are punished for no reason).

•how will guild war scoring be adjusted, if at all? (There needs to be clear communication if the new scoring system for vp will be incorporated into guild war scoring).

There’s also the scarcity of gold marks without grinding vp nonstop or paying for them. I doubt they will change anything and will probably just add more cash offers into the in game shop.:money_mouth_face:

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I think it’s DD/MM/YYYY format, which actually makes more logical sense and is widely used outside the US but rarely seen inside it. So still “5th of March.”



There hasn’t been any Beta 7.4 Open Call yet. May 2024.