Next PvP Season

Please push the next PvP season start date back at least 1 week.
Given how tight some of the rewards are too get starting over the Christmas week will cause players issues then are further down the season


Better yet - build in some more leeway into the goals, so that we don’t have to plan our life around playing a game. A fun one, yes. But still only a match-3 game.


These goals are meant to get you to play every day. That’s a habit the developers want their (active) players to have, to make this game part of their daily routine and to keep themselves immersed with.

Because if you could go a week without interacting with the game and not lose anything, why wouldn’t you do just that? And if you can go a week without firing up the game, who’s to say that you won’t decide to go a month without doing so, or six months, or to leave the game entirely and never log in again?

They want you running endlessly on that treadmill. They want FOMO to keep you tethered. And they want you spending time and effort here and not elsewhere; especially not with anything they might view as a “competitor”.


Turn that sideways for a second.

Because if missing a week due to the realities of a holiday week, causes you to lose ground with no chance of recovery, then what? Game over? Why not leave the game entirely and never log in again?


I strongly support this idea. Could replace that week with holiday battle crashers or something else in PVP.

Or absolutely nothing. There is a week between campaigns why isn’t there time off for pvp seasons


I dont even have 100k vp. 96k. I will never buy their pass or even think about going for 560k unless they REMOVE silver marks

I had 600k last season. So yeah theres your “pvp engagement is up…”