New Record Trophies Anonymous

So as a arena veteran could you give some tips for people who enjoy arena but are not that good at it? What’s your favourite weapon, troop, team comp? What worked the best when farming arenas?

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Hi friend, I played between 18-20 hours / day

Congrats. Tha’s a lotta gemsowar…

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Incredibly impressive.

One question… takeaways or microwavable meals?!

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most likely I will not do it again, it’s extremely exhausting, I still feel sleepy, my hand is still sore and caught, it’s as if my brain has been melted, yes I’m happy to do that, but at the same time I’m traumatized this was a great torture .


The answer is simple. Dawnbringer and what yellow troops you can get. That is the fastest way to grind trophies.