New Pet - Spike

You have not seen a lot yet. Go watch The Thing from 1982. :slightly_smiling_face:


Love that movie, it’s a classic. Our Spike here isn’t that bad but it is not going to be on my shoulders, no way :joy:


I will throw it under your quilt at night while you are sleeping.


New content released and it’s broken, that’s a first for the devs :roll_eyes:


same shit on PC

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I wonder if the Switch is having this issue?

It is 100% an echidna (likely short-beaked echidna – Tachyglossus aculeatus) – a monotreme (egg-laying mammal) mainly found in Australia and New Guinea.


Looks a bit like you, @Eika!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Fun fact (

“Despite being solitary animals, they take part in a strange group mating ritual once a year between June and September. A train of around 10 males, lined up nose to tail, will follow a female until she is ready to mate. When she indicates this readiness, the males dig a trench around her and attempt to push one another into it. The last echidna standing gets to mate.”

Pro-tip: don’t look up what an echidna penis looks like :flushed:

No seriously, don’t :see_no_evil::persevere::crazy_face: I’m trying to help you!


For comparison, since the top post doesn’t show the image…


Weirdly, my in-game photo seems stretched (and possibly cuter?) compared to the blog post…

Bug still not fixed after weekly reset and download of new asset stuff.

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STILL broken!
It’s not like you have to set up a whole programming routine to fix this, this is simply a file connection missing.

Yes! As much as this pet looks funky, this feedback like countless other much-needed feedback needs attention. I’m tired of looking at a blank space when I go to the pets section. Makes me feel like I downloaded a bootleg game into my PS4. Please fix this, and the other things that need fixing. Pets need loving too, blank spaces, bugs, and unwanted attention need fixing. :unamused:

Two words: process compliance. There is no point writing anything about the issue here, it will get ignored. In order for anything to happen, someone needs to open a bug report.

I’m so glad you’ve mentioned something about that. As true as that may seem, what I’ve noticed is that those who look at what we type choose to pay attention to what they want to pay attention to, regardless of where it’s written. Some feedback got attention in other non-bug-related threads. You’re not wrong, but just my observation. :man_shrugging:


Version 6.8 - the image is still absent under Android, the same as here:

@Kafka please take a look.