New Pet - Ninja Cat

Originally published at: New Pet – Ninja Cat – Gems of War

New Pet: Ninja Cat

A new pet has been released, Ninja Cat. You can get your Ninja Cat from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs.

Ninja Cat will only be available from International Cat Day Pet Event.

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“Sir, honestly, she was so silent we never would have heard her - we are just fortunate that it was so easy to spot her thanks to the BRIGHT TEAL ACCESSORIES.


Ninja cat has the perfect camouflage… for the costume jewellery section of a women’s clothing store


So with ninja cat I see that we have a new portrait and emoji pack…how do we unlock these? It just says “unlock with event” but I don’t see them on the calendar.

It’s a flash offer, unlocked with cash $$$ right now, or wait a few months and get those with gems

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Good deal. Thanks :+1:t2: