New Pet - Garlamb

New Pet: Garlamb

A new pet has been released, Garlamb. You can get Garlamb from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs.
Please note that Garlamb is a special event pet.

And today’s offer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unfortunately I bought the pet before seeing it in the event. I didn’t want to miss another event pet since they’re never showing up ever again. :scream:


Once again no QA. Post shows the VD pet !!!¡!


They have you in their FOMO trap and the devs cant even bother to cut and paste the right picture on their announcement. Im sorry for you. :disappointed_relieved:

Thanks. 1 year ago I was missing the exact same 11 pets I’m missing now. So I won’t let a new pet slide because it’s probably never coming back. :face_in_clouds:

Hotfix: Added correct pet image:


Honestly, I prefer yours. The in-game version is off-putting in an uncanny valley sort of way, but not really cute or scary. Yours is somehow both, and looks better.
GoW artists/designers might want to come up with some better ideas for pets?