Platform, device version and operating system:
Xbox Series X
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
To level up Sin of Maraj from level 17 to level 18, 3 pets are required. I had 2/3 for a long time as there are few pets in this kingdom. The new immortal Abaddon now adds a pet to this kingdom Abaddon’s Dragon. I unlocked this pet by getting Abaddon to level 6, however it still shows only 2/3 pets owned and I can’t level up the kingdom. Gemologica does show that I should be able to reach level 18, but in game it does not show that.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Unlocked Abaddon’s Dragon by getting Abaddon to level 6. Since unlocking this pet, it has not counted toward kingdom progress in Sin of Maraj.
Steps to make it happen again
Nothing, only can unlock the pet one time.