New Pet - Covetous Cake

New Pet – Covetous Cake

A new pet has been released, Covetous Cake. You can get Covetous Cake from the daily Pet Rescue for the next 24hrs.
Please note that Covetous Cake is a special event pet.

That… doesn’t look like a cake…


The cake is a lie. Also congratulations, for not just releasing the most buggy mess ever as 10th Anniversary update, but also topping it off with news posts too obviously broken to describe adequately with words. It’s refreshing to see a company so dedicated to their primary cause, bungling up in really every way possible.

Happy Anniversay™ (spelling mistake borrowed from prominent official sources).


Maybe it ate the cake? Wait a few hours and you’ll get it again! :rofl:


I don’t want to incur the wrath of the developers, but it looks like the official news is being compiled by AI


The pony could be cake with all the realistic cakes nowadays.


How do I subscribe to the Gems of War mailing list? It seems like modern day things like notifications and automated posts are too expensive to sustain reliable sources for. Therefore let’s give old school postal mail a try?

It’s the wrong image for the text; and this sort of error occurs surprisingly often in the news posts – here it’s the wrong pet image, sometimes in the weekly or campaign announcements it’s the wrong troop or weapon image or the wrong troop name. It gives a bad impression: a lack of attention to detail.

Could be an automated process going wrong, but my guess is it’s a manual copy/paste error – copy and modify an existing announcement to make the new one, forget to change part of it.

Regardless though: it feels like announcement posts don’t get proof-read – ideally by a fresh pair of eyes, as for me at least I’m often blind to my own mistakes – before going live. Scope for some process improvement here.


Lots of things don’t get proof-read, if some of the feedback we’ve seen in these spaces are any indication. It’s not just this, but stuff that regularly pops up in the Spoilers post when we see obvious mistakes make it through to the “coming attractions” stuff.

It could be that there’s nobody doing the proof-reading. It could also be that there are too many people doing it, and that therefore none of them do much of an effective job at it because they all assume that if they miss something, there’s umpteen other people to catch it and therefore why put in the extra effort?

And, either way, there probably aren’t any consequences for failures in that area. Which, to me, would serve as an incentive to get it done right.