New Kingdom Idea -- Boss

I think there should be a kingdom of “Bosses” and a trait can be if you “match 4 or more” you create a storm with that particular gem. So you get 4 of purple, you start a purple storm. I know this is just a scratch of the surface but maybe it’ll get some of you other’s with great creativeness to take the ball & run with it.

– Also, all “bosses” that are currently in the game also belong to the new kingdom. Think of it like the Greek Mythology. They had Olympus as their main domain but then they also had something else under their purview.

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As per my knowledge-
I suggest creating a “Kingdom of Bosses” where matching 4 or more gems triggers a storm of that color (e.g., matching 4 purple gems starts a purple storm). This kingdom would include all current bosses, similar to how Greek gods had Olympus and other domains.
I hope this will help you,
Thank you