New Hero Class: Barbarian

I’m thinking we’ll get the weekend to play with it for this very reason (and also perhaps since it’s not exactly game-breaking – perhaps an argument in its favour).

I think I’d perhaps like:

“Orc[ish] Fury Vengeance (/similar): Gain 3 Attack and Enrage myself when I take damage”

worked in, somehow – we still don’t have any troop that becomes Enraged when it takes damage, despite it being a common trope in movies and Barbarian-types in games – and I think that’s a shame.

This is normal, actually :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: all Class-unlock quest lines are four battles long, you just usually have to complete all of the other quests first, while a Class Trial lets you skip straight to the unlocking.



I think this should be “Hush, now!” instead of the current comma-less version in this frame, too:

@ChunkyMono seems like maybe you were a bit of an influence for this one? :stuck_out_tongue:
