New Guild Wars - A Sneak Peek

Lots of questions but my biggest concern is are you going to force daily play, even if its just part of the week? Absolutely don’t like that if so.


Guild wars Medails?

This is giving me a Gemstone Legends vibe. I absolutely hated guild wars there. On the other hand… it was a very complex game mode in a game I was trying to learn. In a game I’ve been playing this long, I might enjoy over complicating things. On the third hand :eyes:… if the new Guild Wars doesn’t have extensive and accurate in game documentation, things could get ugly.


Oh no…not guild wars.

I hope they dont make this too “accessible” and dumb down this aspect of the game too, like they have with other parts of the game. Because atm PvP aint a challenge its just a grind.


As someone who hated guild wars with the fires of a thousand suns i hope this mode is a nothingburger. I dont want guild wars back to begin with


I’m really looking forward to being able to test gw defence teams again. I used to spend hours trying teams out and have really missed it.

It would be good if defence teams are eg just yellow vs eg yellow knights imo.

In my other game, they are scaling enemies to player level. Great way to do it in my opinion, because you can have players who are lower play with higher level players without anyone sacrificing anything.

Of course lower level players have fewer troops/weapons, and in the other game less advanced characters, so scaling is a little more difficult. But that’s where different regions would come into play.

In said other game, every region has a different difficulty. So the guild leader assigns according to our capabilities.

What’s great there is that attack teams have to be at least 3 and can at max be 10 players, everyone has two days to play so everyone can select when or if to play at all. And the enemies have the same amount of players (if none can be mat he’d, the enemy is ai - but haven’t seen that in ages).

I think that is an ideal approach.

Of course only players who play in GWs will get reward points to select stuff they want from a shop.

If you skip it, you’ll get nothing - just like skipping any other mode will grant you nothing (except for guild events, same as here).

Curious to see how it will be handled here.

I hope there will be a battle pass with an elite pass upgrade and ultimate uber elite upgrade. :pray:

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If there are restrictions like in pvp, GW will become more charming.
Players will have to come up with new strategies.
Then it will be the real GW.

Playing with the same teams as before became very boring.

I wish there was more variety in tactics and restrictions.

Please do not introduce paid offers that may give you an advantage over other players in GW.