New gem-transformer troop ideas

This helps to make poison and burn a more useful status effect for those players above level 100, but I worry what it would do to the game under level 50, or even 100.

I am currently level 120, so it wasn’t too long ago that I was lower, but I remember always trying to kill poison and burn troops fast before they could cast because my troops just didn’t have the overall health to handle it.


Good point. I remember when I was that low I was using fire troops. I wish they could balance things separately for lower levels, mid-range, and top levels.

I.E I remember Sirrian was wrestling with the idea of what to do with Bone Dragon so that he stays viable for lower level players, but fixes him at higher levels.

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Well you should have pushed for that idea harder and kept it on page one of the forums then, cause i think it is great :wink:

I don’t think we would need more cleanse troops though, poison would still not be overly powerful, statistically speaking you would need 100 extra turns to have poison deal 50 damage with its 50% Chance to proc per extra turn.
Seeing as currently i barely get my Valkyrie/Dragon Soul/etc. casts in to cap souls(3 casts) before the enemy team is destroyed, i can safely assume extra turn poison won’t be too powerful.

I still remember coming across my first Fire Lizard. I was like “He can do damage, burn me, and generate reds for himself? That’s the most OP character in the game!”

Boy was I naïve at the time…

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Not sure I understand the question, sorry: none of the traits there are new…

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Did you bang your head?


Alright, disregard everything I said previously. :laughing:

Holy smokes I just had a moment.


In this thread, or for all time? :wink:


Alright now to bring this back on topic, I’ve warmed up to the idea and really like these troops. I would hope for a couple new(er) traits making their way on them as well, but if they just buffed fire and poison i’d be happy. Good stuff.

Excuse my momentary lapse of sanity. :confounded:

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Momentary, he says. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the costs for effects are good. The thing to note is that none of these are scary dangerous, which is fine. I mean, the most dangerous targeted transformer we have is Hellcat … random damage, and its an Epic.


It’s still early morning here. I’ve not had my coffee so i’m not firing on all cylinders yet. :sweat_smile:

That’s my excuse and i’m sticking to it.


Ha, you also deleted the posts which makes me look like I am talking to myself…

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Alright for context to anyone reading this thread, I thought some of the traits that Jainus put on these troops were new. So I asked him to explain them.

Feel free to have a laugh on me everyone. Get your jollies out now. I am awarded no points, and we are all now dumber for having read it.

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‘Flying’ was a special one. Make sure your coffee has a lot of sugar in it :wink:

Back on-topic: I note that the new transformers I added would create some new looping combos. Any combos (loops or otherwise) catch anyone’s eye?

Furfur with Jarl Firemantle? Kitsune with Forest Guardian? Myrmidon with Rowanne?

What do people think about obvious loop pairs? I used to think this was a bad idea (and e.g. Hellcat’s choice of colours when we already had Alchemist was a daft idea) - but now I use the loops extensively, and surmise (1) they’re not too strong, in fact they go wrong quite easily, and (2) they take skill to employ, which should be respected.

posted my way of how id like burn and poison to be refreshed/buffed :slight_smile:Debuffs tweak suggestion (Poison, Burn, Disease and more)

Prodding a few of our more erudite correspondents for thoughts on these?

@lyya @gouki @Shimrra @Tacet @Zelfore @yonizaf @htismaqe

(and no offence meant to anyone unintentionally snubbed by not prodding…)

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I think combos like that are a core part of the game. More of them would be fine.

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i actually like obvious loop combos, as they already exist in game i think its nothing wrong to allow a wider range of choice of them

(but im also one of the few who actually dreams of releasing another mercy type of troop in game)

If you’d like my opinion on more loop-able troops, I can’t see how they could negatively impact the status queue anymore than the current ones do. Transformers are a case of, “Once it’s done, it’s done.” Meaning the moment Alchemist, Valkyrie, and Giant Spider had been approved, any more additions wouldn’t be able to drive the point any deeper.

As it stands, it’s already theoretically possible to create an infinite loop between Alchemist / Hellcat (Throw in a Mercy for max effect) and Green Seer / Giant Spider. So any further additions wouldn’t change that fact.

If you’d like my opinion on the conceived troops:

Furfur should probably lose his ability to inflict spell damage, as Hellcat already does this randomly, and only to a singular troop. Everything else is fine, though maybe instead of Fireproof, consider Insulated. It’d offer the unique aspect of being a transformer that can’t be frozen.

Basilisk is simple and it works just fine as such. I like how it’s implied to raze the land it treks upon to lifeless dirt.

Kitsune is unique and I really like the creativity put into its spell. It’s also an interesting competitor/provider to Spirit Fox.

Mandrake looks like a fun alternative to Green Seer, it’s alternate mana spectrum likely being it’s primary reason to choose it over her. Though I’d probably say turn it’s rarity up to an Epic if only to avoid further Runic Blade abuse in Arena. Or have something done about Runic Blade, that could work too.

Myrmidon looks good. I like his synergy with Rowanne. Alastair, Templar and Royal Engineer welcome him!

Harridan I like, she’s better a Giant Spider without the crappy summon! :grinning: Though she’d probably end up closer to an 11 or 12 mana cost.


Overall, I like the ideas and appreciate how none of them expressly step on the toes of our present transformers. I feel the game could really benefit with more options for team comp and synergy.

Having a tough Blue legendary in your setup and immediately thinking, “Now, how can I incorporate Valkyrie into this.” I feel hasn’t provided the healthiest mentality to players. Whether more transformers would be the means to remedy this, I can not say. But it couldn’t make it worse.


I also wouldn’t find issue with more immediate transformers like Mercy. She’s almost entirely phased out of Defend Teams as it is and is predictably counterable when she does show up.


Pretty much agree with what Zelfore said regarding the general state of Looping/transforming. It has been a part of the game forever now, without breaking it, and it is a playstyle loved by many, me included.
If anything, adding more diversity to the roster of looping pairs(or triplets even) will freshen up this part of the game and allow for players who enjoy that playstyle to be able to pick troops they also like thematically/rpg/art-wise (fe. i am not a fan of hellcat thematically, but i really like Furfur aka Jarl-Firemantle-Fanclub-leader-chapter-Broken-Spire).

Also i really hope the Devs will expand on the dual transformers in the future. Infernal King and Forest Guardian spells are very fun and engaging to game around and the game needs more of that kind.

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