New Faction - Wyrmrun

Open some gold and glory chests, if you have the spare resources. The gems add up surprisingly quickly.

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First of all, thanks for the good advices, now I finally have a great bedtime story for my unborn grandchildren. I started with the build from @Dust_Angel , because safe is what I like. It went well until the goblin room, just couldn’t kill the last one, so new goblins kept raining down on me, shattering my umbrellas. So for my second try I added Nether, to prevent a goblin dejavu. Lost the first one of my Terra’s before reaching the last room, but still felt fairly safe. The battle was a nightmare as AI took the priviledge of having first turn, it was raining again, but this time it was potion gems, filling most of the enemy troops immediately. They were swift. I felt the build up pain of always having had the second turn in every hit as they stroke me down. On my last try I used the same team and got to the final room again, only missing one Terra. But as it often happens, Nether, my guiding light on the previous run failed me, giving those 4 skull gifts for the enemy, as many as it needed. I can only blame myself for counting my gem stash wrong. It took me a lot of time to get here, doing all the rooms on every run, so it would have been nice to finish this with barriers on, but now I am out of time and gems. Not every great bedtime story ends in “happily ever after”


I love the positive attitude, keep it up! :slight_smile:


If time permits, you can get 200 gems in about two hours from treasure hunt, so I wouldn’t give up just yet.

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I just did my first ever newly released faction completion run with potions (usually I plunk away at them in my daily delves without potions), and holy crap is it stressful. I just made it by the skin of my teeth on my last sigil with Pure Faction 500. I too was contending with AI getting the first turn from potion gems, unhelpful Nether Wyrm skull spawns, etc. I barely got out of there with my Nether Wyrm and Great Wyrm all that was left in the Boss room with only around a hundred life left.

I like excitement, but man putting down that many gems to complete a timed event is not my idea of the most fun time ever. Glad I did it for this one with the replaced last traits though. If only I had thought to do this for The Labyrinth which I’m not looking forward to tackling potionless…


2 tries. 2 Terra, 1 Great and 1 Nether. Hoard 155, 7 tier 5

Do you have any keys you can use? There’s gems in gold keys.

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@terberos you don’t wan’t to do this after they fix the 3rd trait.

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I had to sleep before going to work soon, so those were my last battles. I never saw the original traits, something to do with skulls? There is a lot for me to do in the underworld before I’ll have to try Wyrmrun again. :upside_down_face:


2 tries. Terra/Nether/Great x 2 (banner for Terra colors). Hoard around 145. Nisha medals. Just buffed Terra a lot, cast the others strategically.
I do this during the event to save 1 sigil if needed: when i reach lvl 500 i do deadless in the normal faction with daily sigils, claim the first pet bonuss and then return to the event to run pure faction.