New Dungeon Screenshots & Discussion Thread

Based solely on AMT’s screenshots, my own personal experiences, and limited guildmate experiences, here’s a conclusion I can draw from empirical data from my time in Gems of War.

Gems of War’s RNG is not perfect, not even remotely close. At best it attempts to simulate random, but its not attempting psuedo-random like a shuffle feature on a music player list that attempts to go through more unique possible results because repeating the same song very close together isn’t ideal for a music playing experience, even if true random.

In a true random result, you would get repeats, because all results would be possible in a given set frame of possibilities.

However, as noted from other areas of gameplay, quite a few astronomically rare occurrences happen semi-regularly to larger amount of people than it should (like Immortal King respawning 10 times, a life time supply of Spiders and Bandits etc).

Gems of War RNG leads to repetition and clump results, more often than not.

so with AMT’s results:

2,3,4,6 (246) green
2,4,5,6 (456) red
1,2,4,5 (145) yellow
1,2,4,5 (145) purple
2,3,4,6 (346) brown
1,2,4,5 (245) diamond
2,4,5,6 (256) blue
1,2,5,6 (256) green
1,2,4,6 (126) red
2,3,5,6 (256) yellow
1,3,4,5 (145) purple
1,3,4,5 (134) brown
1,3,5,6 (136) diamond

1- 8 appearances, 6 bosses
2 - 10 appearances, 6 bosses
3 - 6 appearances, 3 bosses
4 - 10 appearances, 8 bosses
5 - 8 appearances, 8 bosses
6 - 8 appearances, 8 bosses

Notably: 145 and 256 had multiple appearances, meanwhile combinations like 123, 234, 345 and others have not appeared.

So what does this all mean? Nothing really.

If I was AMT, I would probably pick 4,6 or 5,6, or 4,5, but not 4,5,6 and go from there. I don’t like the number 3 here when given choices. When in doubt, just repeat one of the results of the previous days most similar to the current situation over picking a unique result that has yet to come up.

and why did I discount everyone else’s pictures? I’m under the assumption that everyone has their own unique seed so comparing it wouldn’t help unless you somehow landed on the exact same seed somehow. Getting 3 bosses out of 6 spots only has a finite amount of combinations so different people are bound to get the same result on the same day, but it won’t apply for the next day.

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