New Console AI...What do you think?

Hey All, we have been keeping a close eye on this thread and your opinions of what is being said. The new AI system is not meant to be perfect, first and foremost. Just to give a small overview of the new AI system, there is a calculation given to each and every board move and spell cast against every combination of spell targets. These final scores are then (slightly) randomized within a threshold, meaning that the best move may or may not be the move targeted.

Why do we not use the best move (meaning occasional ignoring of what you may expect the AI’s move should be)? The main answer has been given above. The AI picking the best move ALL the time, suddenly it is “cheating”, or games take longer. It also makes the opponent act more like a person (not the “best”, but not the “worst” either), where it does make moves different from what you would expect.

With the added addition of the gem preferences for PvP, it was added so you could make your defense team more personal, making the AI slightly closer to the person you are up against. There are some others on the forums who want real time PvP, and slightly customizing the gem preferences for your defense team would make it feel slightly more like person you are up against, making battling the same team different for each person you are up against. Again, this could be seen as a way to make the AI “cheat” or battles take longer, but isn’t it really just the opponent knowing that you may be “baiting for skulls” or using the usual tricks to beat your opponent.

Also, just to point out another thing, there has been no modifications to the gem board or any luck factors in the last few updates. Any “luck” based complaints would have been present in previous versions.

We are looking to improve the AI over time, so threads like these are useful to know how everyone receives this new change.