Nerf Ubastet - he is overpowered

I just crafted Anu!
Please, pretty please, share your team

I will gladly help to derail this thread. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Emperor korvash

Lion banner

Bard hero

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Haha, I suppose I should’ve expected this. Alrighty!


Hero is Bard. All fully traited.

Please, make improvements as you desire; I am by no means an expert on team-making. (I made this team for an Invasion or Raid a while back; I just happen to feel it works enough by itself for other stuff too.)


I was planning just such a thread! :grin:

But no time to field replies right now… here are some “Buff Ubastet” suggestions from the HomeBound Discord:

• Trait that adds attack numbers of the troops he kills to his own attack.
• Ubastet gets a free turn after he casts his spell.
• 50% chance to spawn a new Ubastet if he is killed…
• Double double-devour if 2 Ubastets on team
and my favorite:
• Permanently remove a troop from opposing player’s collection on a kill.



Please Nerf the whining. Let me repeat you are not supposed to win every single time. Is it hard to beat? Yes. Is it impossible? No. I have never had a GW Def that went like 10/0 so some can come up with a team to beat anything others just want to be lazy and whine. Nothing wrong with a troop that’s hard to beat because it’s hard to beat for everyone. Seems fair to me.


1000 Likes for you :couple_with_heart::couple_with_heart::couple_with_heart:

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After a full week of divines in both PvP and Guild Wars, this is what I’d like to see with the least amount of direct impact on damage output.

  1. Divine Ishbaala gives 5 mana at the start of battle to all Divines (instead of 50%)
  2. Ubastet’s targetting changed from 2 weakest to… anything else. the strongest + random target, 2 strongest, bottom troop + random troop, anything that isn’t poking for an instakill.
  3. Queen Aurora really needs to barrier her damn self. Almost works as anti-Ubastet, but leaves herself wide open to get whalloped.

Leaves the Divine team along without letting them win on Turn 1 barring cascades.

The ANSWER to Ubaset is Divinia


yeah, wish I could use Divinia on non-red/yellow GW days.


You can! Select troop, insert into team, KOOMBAYA!

You can. Cost you a few points but better than 1500. Js

Yeah, I mean I was super excited pulled voice of Orpheus then go to use what look looks like a inverse famine. And then realize it’s horrible… then I could have gotten a troop like ubastet instead… Obviously mythics can range from better and worst for diversity, but having someone like ubastet and someone like jotnar, gargantuar, or voice of Orpheus is just an embarrassment…


All that maths to work out when anything survives Ubastet’s spell… and you convince yourself that in the endgame Ubastet is reasonable… because two shots of 100 damage for 11 mana doesn’t quite kill two things… unless one was grazed by a skull hit or earlier spell…

In your methodical thoroughness you’ve obscured (in my view) the key point that: two shots of 100 damage for 11 mana isn’t reasonable at all… Infernus approached this but didn’t have the single target concentration or auto-target of weakest… and Infernus was already hands down the best troop in the game.


Unless Ubastet is costing them $$$, this will go ignored as have complaints about gem sinks. I’m only going to imagine that Ubastet is making more people spend $$$$$ to open chests to get him than it is costing them players.

Ubastet is too weak, the spell should be buffed. Start with damage multiplier, make it attack x2. Then, make it kill that target weakest troop and then two other troops. Now, mana cost can be lowered as well. I’d say 10 is sufficient to make sure it can power up pretty fast. Otherwise, too slow. Making empowered also works. Immunity to mana drain should help as well. Oh, wait, it is almost like Zuul but barrier still protects. That is wrong, a dispel should be added also. Then, we have some good card finally. :rofl:

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Ubastat should deal damage equal to its attack to two targets. That would give him similar damage to other mythics. He’d still be really good too.

Rush up Divinia and cast her to get up Ketras and Dawnbringer

Cast Ketras

Then cast Dawnbringer and Ubastet is dead

I was using Infernus instead of Dawnbringer but switched to get the xp. I have fought Ubastet probably 50 times this week and haven’t lost a single battle with this team.


I don’t understand the GW angle. I faced 2 Ubastet this week, both on Purple day.

It’s a troop/team people slay all day long in PvP. That’s not the best approach for a GW team. You want something uniquely set up to counter the particular offense you expect. The hardest team I faced that day had a weapon I had to keep double-checking because I had never seen it before. It also had a troop I haven’t used since about level 400. Real smart stuff.


Honestly, making it target the strongest troops rather than the weakest would probably fix it. It’d still be dangerous, but more in the normal mythic “better not let this cast more than a couple of times” way instead of “if this casts, you’re screwed” it currently is.

Alternately, limit it to a single cast, like fellow mythic Scorpius.


Any deck on offense with Ubastet gets a win without having to load into the match. The make this balanced, defense teams with Ubastet get the same rewards as if they had won the defense.


EDIT: Anybody WITHOUT the card can go to a special tier shop that has zero chance of providing the card in hopes of spending 1000000 gems to get 15 back and pull it from gem chests.

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