Nerf Ubastet - he is overpowered

That was so worth the effort :joy:


The real solution: add the general rule “Divines with base rarity Mythic are bosses.” Or possibly any base Mythic troop.

Tilts the balance against the current broken meta and fixes the obsolescence of event troops in one change.


He took out 4 troops in one hit on me this morning. Killed the 2 troops with his power. I automatically summoned 2 more with my archer class. They both popped as soon as they were on the board. Then it was my turn again.

Ubastet’s damage enhance is way too large. The boost ratio needs to either be 8:1 or, preferably, only include your own team. 4:1 from both teams means 100 damage (x2 targets) on the first cast in my games. This is 40% more than Infernus does. Like, at that point, Uba’s third trait actually does nothing.

ITT: “My lawn is overgrown with weeds. I keep mowing the grass but the weeds keep growing back. I think my lawnmower is broken.”


Everyone should calm down. The developers will adjust this, they always have in the past. Considering this problem is on Mobile/PC that is usually means 1-3 months from release. Personally I’m glad it’s not a console only problem they let Justice/Mab run wild for 11 months there (fortunately PC finally migrated to Unity so they fixed it a month or two after the migration).

Facing Justice/Mab on console for almost a year was far worse than having the majority of Divine teams to play against, with a bugged troop (Una).

Good news once Uba is “fixed” there are more heavy hitting Divines on the way in the future!!! /s

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ITT: Man overcome with the unbearable whiteness of being and cursed with the gift of knowledge, laments having to give them the gift of fire each and every time they find themselves in darkness


Am I the only one who reads these “please nerf” threads to find out which teams keep PVP from being an untenable slog? I started using this team last night and I was quite happy with the amount of battles I was able to get through. It was almost enjoyable.


I need to tell something that will make me look smart and erudite… And i have the right thing up my sleeve! Ahem…
:face_with_monocle: Some time ago i realised that “pancakes” are cakes made on a (frying) pan.


Yeah, but don’t apply that rule to “sweetbreads”.

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Whoa whoa have you ever realized that you DRIVE in a PARKway, and PARK in a DRIVEway?!?


I see you also had clown for breakfast. Have you enjoyed it? Mine tasted funny… :wink:


And a use for the troops from gem sink modes.

Women wear a pair of panties but only one bra.

Why are they called apartments when they’re all stuck together?

If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress?

People like crowds. The bigger the crowd, the more people show up. Small crowd, hardly anybody shows up.

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

Why do they call 'em ‘buildings’ when they’re done building 'em? They ought to be called ‘builts.’ Or, ‘crumblings.’ ‘I live in that crumbling over there.’

See, it’s frivolous, superfluous products in America. Like scented toilet paper… is the dumbest thing in the world! The only thing you don’t have to make smell good cause it’s gonna get f-ed up. Who is that smell there to impress? My thumb? If you want to impress my thumb, make it thicker in the middle.

Why do they put the little “on/off” words on a light switch? If the light’s on, you can see that it’s on. If the light’s off, it’s too dark to see the words on the switch.

Why isn’t phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

This I before E stuff would’ve screwed up Einstein. He’s got it wrong twice in his name.

What makes Teflon stick to the pan?


I know you people, you’re the smart ones. You’re not the ones going down the freeway with a seatbelt hanging out the door makin’ sparks. You’re not the ones goin’ over the overpass with the turn signal on. Where are they gonna turn? You almost wish they would.



When I see a post full of puns and wordplay…


Why do we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?

How come if we send something by ship it’s called cargo, but if we send it by car it’s a shipment?

Why do drive-up ATMs have braille on the keys?


I don’t know what your problems are. Artema can take down 2 enemies at the same time. Should we nerf her as well?

Emperor Khorvas can take 2 troops down as well. Should we nerf him as well?

And should we forger that the Champion of Anu can hit all 4 enemies and can take them all down at the same time. Should we nerf him as well??


At end game, ubastat hits two enemies for about 115 damage each. That’s way higher than other mythics.

Lol wonder what level you are to see korvash 1 shot kill 2 troops


I think his concept is fine, if he loses the Divine status he already can be balanced or maybe his atk ration gain lowered just a bit.

In high level for instance lvl 900-1000+ battles, he deals like 90 dmg each. There are very few troops that survive this (keep in mind that he targets the weakest).