-Negative Traits-

That very narrowed view for things was developed over more than ten years of active gameplay through more than a dozen games, always participating in forum discussions and brainstorming - and proposal of negative power shift never brought forth good feedback.

If you think about it - having narrowed view for things, based on repetitive real experience, is actually what is called learning. Seeing people get burned for sticking hands into the fire will eventually develop a narrow opinion of not wanting to put hands into the fire ever. Because itā€™s not a good idea, even if some people get out unharmed.
And this proposal is a very similar scenario.

There is a much better way of bringing strategy into this game:

  1. Balance
  2. Rework of stats for leveling, especially the magic for single/AoE/Split troops
  3. Rework of mechanics like poison, disease, and web
  4. Replacing some of the RNG in the game with static mechanics

I still think what you want is already here. There are troops which are more powerful against certain types. Which is the proposal (correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but thatā€™s exactly how it looks). Cleanse is powerful against status effects, entangle against skull usersā€¦
ā€¦ Troops like Dragon Cruncher, Gob-chomper, Chupacabra against especially their ā€œnegative traitsā€ enemies. Except the negative trait is actually spelled as troop type.

And it already brings the strategy that you seek.


I might not mind seeing this if it was used as an alternative method of nerfing overpowered troops.This is just off the top of my head, but consider:

Krakenā€™s Tentacles - Do 3 damage to all troops. Suddenly those double K teams arenā€™t so attractive.

Queen Mabā€™s Mana Burn: Freeze a random allied troop

TDS: Take damage when exploding gems.

Wisp: After casting, move to last place.

Troops like Valkyrie and the various Trolls miss a turn after casting (stops those infinite loops)

I donā€™t know if these would work, theyā€™re just some ideas but at the moment, there seem to be a fair few troosp which have lots of advantages and no disadvantages.

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I agree, but we already discussed it all before. What we are trying to discuss is something newā€¦

And to learn new things we must try new things, itā€™s also part of experience. In this case we are just discussing, and seeing where itā€™s leading the ideas.

You exageration is noted. Do you want to express any other tendencious anecdote? Iā€™m not sure why the sudden desire to shut down or sabbotage this discussion?

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Trolls would be pointless if they filled out the board with mana and you didnā€™t get an extra turn. Thatā€™s just silly.


You see, I view this differently.
I consider it a save of your time, as well as sparing the headache of the community if this is ever to be considered for development.

As Iā€™ve seen this concept times and times again, I just wanted to tell you guys that implementing such a feature is a big ā€œnoā€. For many reasons.

Theory-crafting and coming up with suggestions is a great thing - and if I say they would not work - it doesnā€™t mean I want anyone to stop creating more and more ideas. The opposite, actually.
Itā€™s just how I am - pretty straightforward.

Iā€™m just another one of the crowd, sharing my years of experience. Even if you see myself saying something like this in the future - the intention is most certainly to help, in my own way (but Iā€™m aware it isnā€™t always perceived that way).
Not sure how relevant will it sound, but donā€™t get discouraged by little old me. Because after all, the more you disagree with me, the more suitable version of this proposal you might find, and who knows, might actually create a project that is feasible enough to be implemented.
I believe that disagreeing is a good thing - it makes you think of other ways how to make your standing point work.


ā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Iā€™m not. You have your opinion and as i said before keep it.

Iā€™m still considering some ups and downs for negative characteristics, flaws and/or double-edged effects but i just donā€™t have anything else to share here and iā€™m honestly not interested in going back and forth with you and/or your opinion.

How about ā€œpoison all allies at the start of the gameā€? On the face of it, the trait is clearly detrimental. There would, however, be a number of ways to build around it. Some troops benefit from losing or missing health, e.g. Hydra, Humility, and Orcs with Orc Armor or Orc Cunning. Many other troops are immune to poison entirely. The troop itself could have a spell which scales with all poisoned troops or with alliesā€™ missing life.


No, but like with Mabā€™s extra turn for 13 blue gems on the board or Krakenā€™s blue gem summoner, you cast it when you maximise your chances of getting a 4 match, rather than automatically getting another go.

Well trolls got a re-balance so weā€™ll see how that pans out.