Necro: What is combo breaker and where does it work and how?

The greater the group of people that see the same thing can make it real.

Isn’t that what the ufo people say? Lmao! :wink:

I wasn’t going to say it, but I’ll be honest - playing with a tin foil hat on does reduce the amont of cascades the AI comes up with.

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Yes, the console AI is different in it’s general WTH moments.

My comment was more directed at the cascade complaints. Now given, there’s nothing initially wrong with complaining. It can create change and helps express what people desire most. But a complaint is a complaint nonetheless.

I also think it’s perfectly reasonable to want the console AI to be less unpredictable. It sounds like it’s dumbed down to a point with no particular sense. Hopefully that is fixed later on.

I can agree I’d be very confused watching my opponent completely ignore a 4-Skull match in preference of preventing my mana color via 3-Gems.

Lol. Your remarks are extremely condescending. Just saying. Listen DUDE. IT IS BROKEN. I was just in a match where the AI preferred to take a brown match 3, negating the brown match 4 that it was also a part of. It was toward the very top of the playing board. It in no way took a match 3 anything of any color that I needed. Sorry man, you can speak for yourself, but please let’s lessen up on the rude assumptions you have about everyone. Thanks. :kissing_heart:

I wasn’t being condescending… :neutral_face:

I know you’re all wonderful people and I love you all but this conversation has far exceeded my quota for maximum allowable attention given. No worries :smile:

Well now I’m just confused.

I’m not sure if my words were being read between and some hidden meaning was found, but I can say that I’d never spoken with any ill intent.

When I say I’m not mad, I legitimately mean I’m not mad. Also to mention I’ve never directed my words at anyone unless they’re specifically quoted.

When I say there’s nothing wrong with a complaint, I speak earnestly that complaints are not a bad thing by any means. People just associate them negatively for some reason.

I know tones can’t be read via flat text, which is why I try so hard to put no ulterior meaning in my words, as well as writing as straight-forwardly as possible. I won’t sugarcoat something if I think it’s worth my time to reply to.

So I’m writing this down as a mention to anyone who may have misunderstood my previous comments, and will leave it here in the case an issue like this should arise again for reference.

Thanks for your time, I’ll be leaving this thread to its usual discussion now. :v:

I thought combo breaker stopped it from getting extra turns and if that is not the case then i was mistaken but that still suckes and wish it would work to prevent extra turn bias on the ai so that after 3 or 4 extra turns it takes a break.

are you talking about the console or the app/pc? On the console I often see what you’re talking about but on the app i rarely if ever see the AI leave a 4 match or not take skulls unless there is a 4 match.

Yes, on the console. I’m glad someone else chimed in. I feel semi-vindicated @Zelfore :wink: jk

I think you misread zelfore. Or maybe i did but he/she/it mentioned that the console has it’s WTH moments. Yes the console AI is horrible. I’ve won some matches that I had no business winning because it ignored skull matches for consecutive terms.

^^same here

That’s mostly, if not all, from console players now.

Unless there’s some new information that came to light over the weekend since this is the first time I’ve been on since last Wednesday and this is the first thread I’ve read that mentions this, if the console AI is not taking 4+ matches and skull matches, then it can’t be “the same”.

knowing combo breaker does not stop it from connecting multiple match 4s and getting many extra turns in a row i just switched to hard mode cause i don’t think i mind pure random drops from 1.0.6 plus higher caps is nice too.

on cosole the ai seems to steal more moves than is it better on or off not complaing ness just need help


changed title to reflect the risen nature of this thread.

Thanks for that, had me wondering what was going on considering who made this thread. Also isn’t that picture from sirrian?

Hi @tokingwolf71, the thread you grabbed was an old one and kind of unrelated. If you are still looking for help or to start a discussion on the nature of the AI I would recommend starting a new post.
