My opinion of the forums

I was NOT happy to see the above message, but I would like to state something about the way I see this forum.

In the past, I’ve seen (1) a good game and (2) well-meaning developers that have to put up with (3) self-entitled players on the forums. After 5.4 released, my view became more focused on seeing (4) major problems with the game and (5) heavy criticism of the game. With the release of 5.5, I now realize that I still see all five of these things.

I made a few criticisms of the game here after 5.4 released, as opposed to a post back in March shortly before 5.4 where I defended the developers’ actions and the way they handled the game. I don’t necessarily feel that all of my statements were justified back then, but some people continue to be selfish and demand more from the game than they paid for. Oh, yeah, the game NEEDS MONEY to exist, by the way. I know there have been a lot of shameless cash grabs, but the players are acting like the devs should give them a brand-new game or something that I do honestly think they really should have to pay for. Aside from a few issues with microtransactions being mishandled, I feel that players, new and old, are getting treated fairly in terms of money.

I don’t disagree with all of the criticisms here, but my critical posts here back after 5.4 got more upvotes than my positive messages back during 5.3. I don’t think the kind of people who “agreed” with me are the kind of people I want to like my messages, even if I do have a negative opinion. I don’t want people to like me just because I have a popular negative opinion.

I have again asked for my account on the forums to be deleted. I wasn’t happy to see that post up there, but I still stand by my morals. For those of you who have stood by me, I wish you well.


You’ll need to tag @Lyya if you want your forum account deleted (and I’m not even sure if she does that with her moderator powers or not — sorry for the ping, if not)

Or you can just not visit anymore.