More sudden-death animations

When a troop gets devoured there’s a chomping-jaws animation. It’s clear that the troop got devoured. I’d like to see more of that. There are many times when a troop dies and leaves me saying What just happened?

  • Dies from Burning: burst of fire
  • Dies from Poison: splash of green
  • Dies from Death Mark: slashing scythe
  • Dies from Bleeding: splash of red
  • Dies from Assassinate ability of Assassin hero class: stabbing dagger
  • (are there others I’m missing?)

Terror already has a “death” animation of sorts in that the troop does a Run Away.


Maybe I’m imagining this but I think the Terror icon glows a moment when it triggers?

I agree there COULD stand to be more specialized death animations, but there aren’t too many cases where the cause of death is ambiguous (at least upon review of any recorded footage). Poison/Bleed/Burn and Death Mark are typically visible at least a turn before they kill, and any passive trait responsible for killing a troop gets displayed when it triggers – though, due to the abundance of traits generally this is by far the easiest to miss.

Let’s also recall that when it debuted, the trigger animation for Lycanthropy was a set of white (not red) teeth clamping down around the Troop, which was way too easily confused with Devour.

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