More Pets and 3.4 infos

"They’re not as cute as everybody supposes!
“They’ve got those hoppy legs and twitchy little noses…”

#oncemorewithfeeling :wink:


Each Pet has a Kingdom, so do they increase Kingdom power points?

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Not sure if mentioned, but will there be a pop-up notification when a Pet Rescue is triggered (obvious advantage for mobile users)?

I hope it works like this say i trigger the hunt. I have 1 hour to finish the hunt. My guildmates counter will begin whennthey log.

From my first read, appears to be more tedious additions?

The one hour pet rescue will trigger at the same time for everyone in the guild. Whether they’re logged in or not. It should start as soon as the person who found the gnome completes the PvP battle.
The 24 hour pet rescue should start at a reset and end on a reset.

Are pet bonuses cumulative? Does equipping a pet mean you only get the buff associated with it?

I was told that ALL applicable Pet bonuses are active and that ‘equipping’ a pet is purely cosmetic… but I notice that for some reason the equipped pet now appears on a player’s line in the Guild Roster, so I wouldn’t mind some clarification as well! :cat2:

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It looks like the bonuses ARE applied regardless of what is equipped, but it looks a bit ambiguous

All pet bonuses apply all the time. Equipping a pet is purely cosmetic. I think it’s fun to see which pets your guildies like best.