It now only happens during the pet rescue event for me and infrequently. I don’t know what changed but it’s really weird that it was happening all of the time before and a few days later it is now sequestered to a specific event/area and infrequent.
I haven’t had a pet rescue event pop up for awhile, but when it does I’ll video it and try to load it to YouTube.
On a side note, I did change out that +9 mountain hammer for the troll that doubles the green gems on the board. Maybe that helped?
Imagine being told to post a video to fix a bug that will be ignored. It will be added to some arbitrary list while they drool their way through trying to fix this lycanthropy debacle.
Like @Kafka said, every time someone has said a four gem match didnt result in an extra turn, it was intentional. Maybe they were frozen for example.
Is it possible that this is a bug and not a mechanic? Definitely. A video will show one way or another. It seems no one can reproduce this bug. So, until that video is in, what can the devs do?
I can’t prove it but I swear to God it sometimes happens to me too, and happens to the AI too.
It is just a strange feeling like when you anticipate something and it doesn’t happens.
I make a four or five match and no extra turn. I am fairly sure it happens only on 4 matches or mostly on four matches.
Same thing with the AI, I see I gave it a 4/5 match and it goes for it and suddenly, my turn.
As I wrote this post an idea popped up in my head. As I now you can’t get mana surge from a 4 of a kind match. Maybe something goes wrong when the mana surge prevention code runs.
You can’t get Mana Surges from 4-matches. It’s only 3 and 5+ matches:
Normally, if you match 3 Gems the 3 Mana received goes to the first Troop in your Team or matching 5 Gems nets 5 Mana. With a manage Surge, instead of 5 Mana, you would receive 10. NOTE: For balancing reasons you cannot get a Mana Surge on 4 Gem Matches.
Even if one of my troops were to be frozen, the queen bee’s royal honey (last trait) would remove the frozen status and I would still get my extra turn. The only way that wouldn’t work is if my queen bee was stunned (which it has not been). Thanks for looking out though.
I haven’t noticed any weird no extra turns (which baffles me because it was a constant issue before) other than my last pet rescue. Sadly that was before I knew about the video capturing software in Windows 10. I will record my pet rescues and look out for that missing extra turns issue that I experienced before.
I have had this same thing happen now that I have been recording and watching my gameplay. It is most infuriating when it happens but the issue I was having was constantly happening every game and multiple times per game. The gem moving the wrong direction has happened once every few days I have noticed.
I’m waiting for the pet rescue event and if the same issue I was having before doesn’t happen, then I’ll chalk it up to being fixed by changing out my hero for the green troll troop.