More Dark Maiden style troops?

Dark Maiden skill is very unique; it changes yellow gems to a chosen type.
But there is no other troop with this ability applied to other colors, except Finley that takes off skulls.
This kind of skill is kind of useful and interesting, even if less powerful than the “any gem to a type” skill.
What about some new troops with that, covering the other colors? :slight_smile:


Yes please! Also more troops with the type of spell Nyx has, only differently colors… :stuck_out_tongue:


When Nyx was announced I said it was promising xD


Yes this is a nice mechanism. I think it’s likely that more will appear in due course. Devs do like to build things sometimes in coordinated cycles.

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Need more +1

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Nyx is a gem spammer. Not really useful if you have bad luck because you can fail and leave a easy board to the enemy

I understand your point of view but nyx can create up to 24 blue gems (drain mythic troop). It’s hard to miss if you have good sense in using.


Yeah, Dark Maiden is really nice and provides a lot of fun interactions. I use her quite often in some casual builds while farming traitstones.