Monolith Buffs

On PC (Steam) - Has anyone seen where a monolith buff isn’t applied if a negative status effect is applied at the start of the match and then that status effect is cleared? I have seen it before but wasn’t sure if it was really happening.

I was playing in Southwild and had the buff of Oracle Tower at max to grant 12 attack at the start of the battle. If my hero was entangled by the enemy at the start of the match and then later it was removed, my attack was only 80, but otherwise if I wasn’t entangled at the start with the buff my attack was 92. Once the negative effects are removed shouldn’t you get buffs applied as well?


That makes sense cuz if a troop or hero is entangled during a battle and something occurs to give them more attack it doesn’t actually apply. When the entangle is removed the attack stays the same.

They could fix that in your particular situation by having Monoliths apply prior to talents/traits since I’m assuming it’s Archer that got your hero wrapped up at the start.

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Yeah, Entangle and Web don’t just temporarily zero out the relevant stat, they also block any buffs (also debuffs) to that stat until cleansed.

I can agree, though, the order in which these start-of-battle effects are applied may need to be tweaked somehow. For example, an Attack buff before an Entangle debuff (including Root Trap from an opposing Hero), but the Cleanse chance (including a Medal of Orpheus) must necessarily occur last.


Works the same for me. I’m on PS4. If troop is entangled at start of the battle the monolith attack buff isnt’t applied to the troop.

It seems to me the buff should work the same as how the Medal of Seasons work. The attack bonus is still applied after the troop is cleansed even if they are entangled at the start of the battle. I know that is simplifying things but should be the basic concept.

I understand if the troop is entangled and a buff is applied like in the scenario if a troop devours another troop, the attack bonus is not applied even after the troop is cleansed as that occurs during the match, but as mentioned, the Monolith buff should be applied first and then any negative status effects applied at the start of the battle IMO.

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