Moderation please help and address trolls in threads

Could someone in moderation please address an issue that some of us are facing with trolls. You give us the ability to ignore users that are spamming threads. I wish that you could completely ignore their post, but at least you can sort of ignore them. Some of the more active trolls have figured out that if they set their profile as hidden you can not ignore them. The only options is to flag their post which causes the threads to close down. Can someone in moderation please address this issue?


it does look like some action was taken with trolls, but I want to stress to the mods that if a user sets their profile to hidden, other users have no ability to use the in game ignore function. Please look at fixing this in some way. Thanks.

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I don’t want this to get missed…I know gems uses a third party forum system…and they don’t actually program it…but this has to be an oversight on those that made these forums …