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Added after your other thread/bug report, I think, not this one; but imo that’s just water under the fridge :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

I mean… It’s semantics right?
But no, when I made the bug report it got given the “under investigation” title.
Prior to me making this exact thread. It still said under investigation.
At some point after this thread existing. The bug I reported became an official “known issue”.
That’s how I gauge known issues.

For example.
@Mithran has known for 2+ plus years that Warhawks cast is bugged. But it’s surely not been on the “known issues list” for 2 years.
But to him personally it’s a known issue.
Despite @Kafka finding out about it a year ago.
Hell, even I probably knew about it at one time but forgot since I never use Warhawk.

But events like this Fallen Silent World Event forces us to use troops that have been hidden under rocks for years.