Missed opportunity for Battle Pause menu rework - GAP/XP bonus timer

We’ve been asking for including the GAP timer somewhere that is easily visible and reachable during battles, without the need to go back to the main game screen or leaving the battle. We got a Battle Pause menu rework in 7.1 - and yet the rework seems pointless.

Not only GAP timer isn’t there, but the new XP boost timer isn’t there either.

Can we please, please, get that added to the Battle Pause menu? There’s still space for it, right next to the time in battle timer.


This would be such an easy QOL improvement for the game. Really hope they listen to this.


I was thinking this. Tempted to make a post then saw yours. At least if they’d added a timer for either/both, the change would make sense. Right now, it’s just dumb.