LOL, found it. The code is DEATH_ZORH
Thank you for the invite DemonicDraco.
invite sent.
Invite recieved but it wont let me join. My name is death and there is already a death in your guild. Sorry about that. Just checked back and now it let me join.
we can still use a few more people.
I would like to join if you still have a free spot - Im over 100, not got all citys at 10 yet but working on it (I split gold between guild and cities). I’m active in PVP/Arenas for trophies daily.
sure what is your invite code?
ACAILA - thanks
doesn’t work…
may need a space after the name or a hidden _ … its been noted on another thread.
think you gave me your name rather than invite code, still need more people btw.
i was helping you trouble shoot why acaila didnt show up
I play on the PS4. My invite code is RELFA_H2PS. I’m level 82 and can spend 60 trophies and 100,000 gold per week. Maybe more, when I’m a little bit higher level.
you typoed you but I think I figured it out and sent the invite to the right person.
@kzintiwife thanks for tryin to help.
sorry for the typo. And thanks for the fast invite. I hope I can help to get the guild to the top. Is there a guild forum?
we got a private ps4 community msg me on ps4 for an invite DemonicDraco
Sorry just realised you are PS. I am on PC
that explains it.
Still have openings?
we could still use a few more active (100+ tophies per week) players.
Sent you a pm on psn