If you have a guild with only 5-10 active players and want to join a guild full of active ones let me know. Getting shwifty needs players desperately. We have a big discord server as well full of info and players from all over the world to help. No point in being in a guild where you are struggling to get all rewards. We do all reg tasks and epic purple task weekly. 3/4 event rewards. Dont be scared to join.
well we merged with slayers take… cya around
Hi. I am new player 80 lvl for now but active. Are you still looknig for new ppl? What is you guild name?
Hi Sireel,
I’m part of the Throne of Odin Guild family. We have 8 different guilds with varying requirements. Several of them are beginner guilds. We have a lot of helpful people and players can move freely between guilds (as openings permit) when playtime availability changes.
Feel free to come check out our Discord to see if we feel like a good fit for you:
Not all of our guilds require Discord, btw, and ToO: Gods of Valhalla (one of our starter guilds) is currently on open invite if you want to join it directly.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Are they Nintendo Switch Guilds?
Oh, I’m sorry, I just missed that Nintendo Switch part.
If you are a newer player join getting shwifty or ask in channel 001. i can get you in and help you out