Medals to Team Selection ASAP Please

The developers said the reason why medals are not attached to teams is because it would be too cluttered on mobile. Guess what. It’s super hard for me to hit the change medal loadout button on mobile because of how small it is.

This is actually a real problem and I’m sure a lot of casual mobile players don’t even know they can change medal loadouts because of it.

Now, this could be easily solved by making them bigger. But it would better to just assign medals to teams.


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Yes I’m sure. Christ.

So. Why the hell is this medal thing still a problem?


Funny thing. I opened the faction assault, made a team, went to the forums and started reading this post, finished reading all comments, back to the game, realized I forgot medals, changed medals, anndddddd my team is gone. :woman_facepalming:

I know the devs said their designers struggled to get a good UI on mobile but I find that hard to believe. I can think of several ideas better than what we have now. Also, the design as is is lacking in other ways. Clicking the medal icons on mobile isn’t the easiest as someone else already said. At a glance I keep confusing medals and badges because badges look more grandiose so I keep thinking they’re medals. The blue ring around the selected medal slot is hard to see and I regularly tap it again to confirm I actually selected the right one. Nothing in game says what medals, if any, your PvP and GW defense teams use.

To be honest, the medal UI looks like it was designed by developers, not designers. Also, what designer isn’t painfully annoying about simple UI that’s intuitive and clear? We don’t have that.

If designers did work on this, they were rushed. Maybe development started before the designers were done mocking it up?

Either way, this should be high on the QoL fix list, but alas.


The least they could do is save the damn team we’ve selected no matter if we choose to fight, or back out.

The fact that the team is only saved if we do a fight is a stupendous oversight/design choice.

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They literally just need another tab next to pets. Or replace pets and place pets in a different section because they’re cosmetic only.
I would love to see a prototype of a UI of this kind to see how godawful it looks for them to refuse to fix this issue.

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Tell the publishers (or whoever else is using $$$$$$$$$ as a “justification”) the simple, obvious truth:

If people quit the game because of this gross stupidity, they won’t be able to spend money on GoW.


11 months and we’re still here, though.

The argument doesn’t work unless the $$$ spenders actually leave :man_shrugging:

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Global medal selection is super annoying!
To loose your team setup, because you have to change the medals is bad.
But the worst thing is guild wars.

How can I setup 6 different defences, which can be fought 1 to 6 days and have only 1 set of medals which I can choose? The defences are not working!
When I face defence teams in guildwar which have event medals equipped, its a bug not a feature! Should I wait until the enemy has finished his event?


Puzzle Quest F2P?

Keep in mind, for anything like this that seems easy, we are now into hour 38+ of a 1 hour downtime for chat servers. Remember how hard it was to get images to appear of labyrinth troops on android? Took over a week IIRC. Nothing is easy when you don’t have good quality and deployment process.

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Yes. And from what I hear Puzzle Quest 3 will also have a medals selection that will require you to open Gems of War up and change on your World Map screen before the medals can take effect in PQ3.

If that doesn’t make sense to you then neither does the present system where I go to an event shop or event rewards and buy/claim tokens. Just to back all the way out to the world map to equip the medals. Then go back to the Event to do battle.

And hold your horses any possible Chads or Karens.
I’m aware if I don’t have any Event medals equipped then the game will present an option for me to return to the world map prior to the match. But that’s only if I have none equipped. So if I buy more or get rewarded more then I still have to manually go back to equip them.
I totally understand the devs difficulties here. But it’s essentially their own fault for how they released medals in the first place.
We should have 3 times as many sets as we do now.
And if I want a set of all Nysha Medals then I can save a set of Nysha Medals. But once I do that set is locked forever and ever. Just like using medals on a troop.
I can then equip that set to certain teams like you would a banner and the game is fine with it because you can never destroy your banner.
Because of your ability to essentially destroy medals at anytime. It requires a lot more coding to make it feasible to equip a team. Coding that they clearly don’t see the financial benefit in doing so anytime soon.
We can only hope eventually they will though. :crossed_fingers:

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Two things should be done with medals:

  • assign them to team or at least give an option to pick them on battle preview screen
  • lock all assigned medals and make them unusable for troops elite upgrade