Making favorites

There should be a feature called “Favorites” where players can tag a troops, weapons and classes as a favorite. These favorites would automatically be sorted to the top of the list while still respecting the active filters (e.g., A-Z, base rarity, or rarity). However, upgradeable items should always appear before favorites to prioritize visibility for upgrades. If there are no upgradeable items, the sorting would revert to its current behavior, with favorites listed before non-favorites.

With over 1,500 troops in the game—and that number growing exponentially—this feature would be a must-have for quickly navigating the troop list. Not everyone likes every troop, and players often have personal preferences for certain troops that others may find niche or less appealing.

This feature could also extend to pets, allowing players to favorite pets they like and display them on their shoulder if they find them cool. Additionally, it would be a great tool for analyzing popular troops and weapons at a glance, offering insights into what players enjoy most—whether it’s the troop’s artwork, spell, or traits.


Edit: Last one managed to get derailed from the discussion above, so please stay on topic about this post. No discussion over how bad my punctuation is—there’s a time and place, but not here in this thread. So just keep it to yourself, even if it’s a joke.

I could totally use a few favorite tags for hero classes to cut down on the scrolling…

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I updated it to reflect your idea as well

I think this is a great idea. :slight_smile:

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Last game I played had favorites, it was very handy. New and existing players, helpful it would be.

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