Major Treasure Hunt Revamps / Reward Increases Ideas

As for rewards:

Still useless

Sounds ok. Not sure what TH has to do with guilds… There used to be/is a reward for doing 60 turns TH that allows you to collect X seals, from Guild-> Seals panels…


I can see it benefit some players. I personaly don’t care. Explore has been much more reliable way of getting traitstones of any rarity and type.

IF anything:
Silver chest → 500 Gold
Green chest → 1 Gem
Red chest → 5 Gems or 10 Glory keys or 1 Gem key
Vault → 20 Gems vs 50 Glory Keys vs 5 Gem keys vs 1 Vault key (or anything)

Gems are a MUST have on TH rewards… Gold can be skipped at all.

Also, You can just replace vault rewards:

Vault → 1 token, which can be replaced in TH shop for various rewards (limited number of purchase weekly + shop changes offers weekly): Doomed Scrolls, Writs, Deeds, Pet copies, Key packs, Soul packs, Gold packs, Arcanre Traitstone packs etc.