Magical Kitties Save The Day

Solve for X. If Y equals 2X.

Hey folks, sorry about that! Info is update don the blog and in the original forum post now


Christmas foreshadowing

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Also, next Guild Wars now scheduled early, for Christmas week. Hope that still changes, it was announced to get pushed back, not moved forward.


“A” knows exactly what “B” is doing. :wink:

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But X only knows y

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The schedule currently isn’t finalised for Christmas, there may be more changes to it yet.


Oh hey while you’re here! Do you know when the update is going live? I’m excited! :grin:

In my mom voice yelling at my son to turn off the Christmas music “its GW i gotta focus”. :joy:

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Sitting in corner enjoying this eating some popcorn.

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and this is so difficult to finally plan out… because?

must be because this whole “christmas” thing is rather new and unexpected.


they literally already said because they had issues with the new kingdom


Actually, we had to reschedule half of December and January after we thought they were finalised already, so it takes time to work out what to shuffle where and get approvals :slight_smile:

Just like anything in life a lot of things are pretty simple when everything is going smoothly, and they’re not so quick and simple when a wrench gets thrown in.

I know it’s easy from the outside to think everything looks quick and easy, and if it were it would just be done as simply as you think it would be. If it’s not done, it means that when you have the whole picture, it actually wasn’t simple.


Do they at least know when the pvp update is dropping ?

Does that mean, someone tested the update, and the results were not even ignored this time? You are making progress.

Must be a real behind-the-scenes debacle, when you are neither trying to spin it into a positive nor blaming the users. I’m picturing an armed rebellion by the unpaid interns.

As for fixing it, [sarcasm mode on] have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game? Please make sure, your drivers are up to date.
And don’t post the update notes a week in advance, when there is still uncertainty, whether you can deliver.

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Please do continue to post the patch notes as early as you’re able to.


Yeah i dont think this is a dev problem its the lazy way its communicated to us ( GOW community), dropping the patch notes early was a bad move. … But kudos to the devs for not releasing broken content in a rush before Christmas like last years kris kringle debacle .

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Thursday: The contents of the upcoming patch are posted.

Monday (or earlier): Development notices, that they will not be able to catch their deadline and reschedule the update, along with multiple ingame events.

Wednesday: The information, that the update (which was expected the night before) has been postponed for an unspecified period, is posted as the 36th answer in a mostly unrelated thread.


In this case, they could post the patch notes of 7.5, 7.6 and 8.0 right away. How is that supposed to help?

For how much crunch these campaign schedules seem to cause, Im rather surprised this is the first major delay I’ve seen.

But then again, I don’t like campaigns that much and would be happy if they went away.

I just thought, it may have been the other way around too.
Development had planned for the holidays, but was not informed about the plans for an update and a new kingdom until last friday afternoon.

As messed up, as communication here is going, I would not be too surprised, if 505 wasn’t keeping the team informed about what they have announced elsewhere. A prerendered demo video is easy to build.