Originally published at: https://gemsofwar.com/magic-mushrooms/
New Epic Troop: Fundingus Fundingus will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. World Event: Fungal Growth There are 5 battles that players can encounter during the event: Fungomancer, Exploadstool, Fundingus, Sir Snothelm,…
It’s 100% spores, I assume @Saltypatra was just feeling all tropical
I need to move fungomancer up, this was a quick draft. Will update before reset
Why is fungomancer below snothelm ? Seems it gives one more spore/shell.
Edit : my bad I didn’t read below. But the pic is slightly confusing, sorry for nitpicking
Yep, this was definitely meant to read Spores.
I have the beach on the mind…
A very creative event.
Yeah I need to move fungomancer for sure but it’s on my pc and I’m chilling in bed currently, I’ll upload the corrected one before reset
Battles don’t reset, correct?
Correct, there’s no phases in this event
Isn’t Fundingus a bit too reminiscent of Pre-Nerf Fizzbang?
So ultimately the event boils down to “take anything other than Snothelm as long as there is a Not-helm available”. Scoring might be complicated, but the lack of resets cleans things up considerably.
Here are some other graphics you may find useful:
Update: Based on the leaderboards, the average Tier Buy In required to close all reward stages is: Tier 2 (~70 battles)
The irony of the weekly troop named Funding Us
Only thing lately that isn’t
Update: Based on the leaderboards, the average Tier Buy In required to close all reward stages is: Tier 2 (~70 battles)
Snot the first time and I guarantee you Snot the last.
Ugh, need a downvote button, not a heart/like.
Previous bad events make me swear like a sailor. This may be the first to make me mucuss.
Is it me or is there no Here class - Elemental? - Kinda makes it rather hard to use the Event Team as one of the primary support systems for the Campaign!