Magic bonus for classes

So I unlocked and picked the mechanist class for my hero. Got it to lvl20 and the bonuses tab now states a +5 magic bonus when using brown weapons. However, it does not activate, am I forgetting something here?

Did you by chance choose another class before mechanist? There’s currently a bug where your displayed bonuses only reflect the first class you chose, as reported by me in the bug thread (at least when going into your current class and scrolling to bonuses, not sure about actual in-game bonuses)

remove your hero/weapon from your team and add it again. works for me everytime the “colour-magic bonus” is bugged again

Yes it’s actually the third class I activated. It’s the one I will concentrate on developing. That’s when the magic bonus will eventually work. First two classes were Warlord and Sorcerer.
For warlord the text ‘+5 magic when using red weapons’ is displayed in red
For sorcerer the text ‘5 magic when using purple weapons’ is displayed in purple
For mechanist the text ‘+5 magic when using brown weapons’ is displayed in white. Kinda strange.

The hero removal and readd didn’t help unfortunately

Still an issue on my ps4, hope they gonna fix it :slight_smile:

I mentioned this in another thread last week and a dev responded that the issue is fixed on their side and we’ll see the fix in the next patch (whenever that may be).

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Hah yeah. I’ve fully leveled up the Archer class and sometimes my weapon Dragon Oak states (base, without the mana boost added) 10 damage, other times 15 -_-’ At first I was wondering if it had to do with whether you’re doing quests challenges or PVP, but from what I’m reading here I guess not. Good to know it will be fixed in the next patch!