Lycanthropy temporarily removed from essence of evilfrom

If Lycanthropy is added back to Essence of Evil then it was and is a nerf to the weapon.
Having Essence of Evil curse first is a buff to the weapon.

So no, bad dev, keeping curse first, and adding Lycanthropy back would not be “a balancing out” of the weapon. :person_facepalming:

Clearly taking Lycanthropy out of Weapons isn’t that much of an issue. So a great compromise would be to take it out of all Random status effect weapons.
(I understand you did EoE because that was the biggest out cry leading to the most game breaking bugs. But it’s not the only weapon capable of casting it.)
And if you want to keep it in the troops then it’s whatever.

But keep in mind. You managed to make Delve runs EVEN MORE DIFFICULT. Due to one of the most difficult Factions, Dark Pits, having a faction troop that can cast Lycanthropy.
Sure it’s possible that the AI can transform a worthless Faction troop into a decent beast troop. Much more likely a level 500 AI troop almost dead, will transform and be fully healed into a level 500 Mythic beast troop though.

So the community has managed to make a pretty overwhelming cons list when it comes to Lycanthropy’s existence as a whole.

What exactly are the pros? :person_shrugging: