Platform, device version and operating system:
Mobile, Samsung Galaxy S8+, android
Screenshot or image:
No relevant screenshot available
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
What i expectected to happen: my two won GW battles being reguatered as a win.
What actualky happebed: two won battkes got registered as a loss. To specify what happened - unstable connection, probably to do with a networks which uses wifi extenders, the connection was unstable. Battle loads I play and win but the screen keeps on loading. Connection is lost but device still has connection with normal websites. Only solution is a forced reset which results in a loss.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Twice on 15 February 2019 during the 4th battke day of GW
Steps to make it happen again
Possibility to save game data offline to be able to synchronize later with a good and stabke connection (a off line playing mode)