Looking for Xbox 1 casual guild

I will be looking for a casual xbox 1 guild at end of this week. I am level 1428. Would like low reqs as i am not as active any longer. Message me via xbox live GT is the same. Thx

Your gamertag doesn’t appear when I search for it, but if a guild that expects 175k gold, 1500 seals, 125 trophies, and event participation (no minimum score) is casual enough for you, message me on here so I can add you to Bloodred Revenges!

We’re Rank 189 at the moment, Guild Wars bracket mid-60s.

How casual are we talking? RAPSCALLIONS are looking. We are a bracket 1 guild and our reqs are 500k gold 0 trophies and 1500 seals. Our event reqs are pretty low. But we do need full GW participation. Pretty low compared to other br1 guilds.

If you’re interested my GT is King Phillip IV

Will respond to any message here. I need to finish my reqs in Thieves this week before joining a new guild. Thx in advance

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xl Golden Gunners lx are ranked 72nd in trophies, just 1 year old and rising fast. We complete all events and min reqs are 300k gold, 1500 seals and 150 trophies, all very easy for all the rewards. Would be great to get you on board