Me, GF, and 3 IRL friends looking for a potential new home
I know this is a longshot but figured may as well try and see if there happens to be a guild who can meet our desired while also being happy with the variety of contributions.
We are all Mobile/PC (all play on phones)
Given I don’t want to leave my GF or IRL friends behind been opting to stay more casual.
elow is breakdown of what each of us can bring consistently on a weekly basis
Many weeks most of this will be exceeded, especially by trix, rhaegar, and bero (myself) but wanted to show the minimum we can offer weekly.
Berothius - 300K Gold, 100 Trophy, 1500 Seals, 30/30 GW Battles Weekly, all kingdoms unlocked & LVL 10, x5 at 5 star
thenn - 50K Gold, 500 Seals, 30/30 GW Battles Weekly (working on maxing kingdoms)
trixieledoix - 50K gold, 1000 seals, 30/30 GW Battles Weekly (working on maxing kingdoms)
Rhaegar21 - 0 Gold, 500 Seals, 30/30 GW Battles Weekly (working on maxing kingdoms)
Sorshia - 0-25K gold, 250 Seals, 25/30 GW Battles Weekly (working on maxing kingdoms)
Guild who fairly consistently hits 20K seals and NEVER falls below 10K seals.
Guild who is doing 6/12 for each task or completing multiple weekly
Guild who is very active in GW (20/30 members doing all 5 battles daily on time.
Guild who has 200% or higher daily bonus
Guild who has a GM and or Officers who communicate in chat frequently