Looking for "Katjira" from GoW

I was thinking it had to do with a word from jp

Sorry, from JP? What’s JP?

japan sites from japan are .jp where as some sites are .com or .net

Aaaaaaaaahhh! Nope, not Japan Adult Chatsites.

One site I’d been in is called “Hyperchat.com”.

I wondered the same thing about her name. :smile_cat:

I think you ‘owe’ us the conclusion to this!


Kay… I’m trying to be discrete and thoughtful of those who may not understand, but if you want… Alright, @Draprion.

It has to do with books written by a… clearing throat gentleman named John Norman.

There’s a term in his books that is very similar to Kat’s… “kajira”.

somehow learning this makes me feel …less wise

but thanks for sharing a piece of mystery :grin:

Soft chuckle Well… Draprion seemed to be a bit persistent, so I put forth a bit more.

I’m merely curious, after all, you were enlisted help to look for this person, then said person appeared, then you mentioned it was to do with some adult RP chat site. You can see how this would pique someone’s interest.
