Looking for guild (no guild wars)

I’m looking to change guilds to one that doesn’t do guild wars but does fulfil guild tasks and seals each week. I always do 1500 seals and around 200 trophies a week. Gold donation can be done around 500k.

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If anyone presses like I’ll kill them!

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Start your own Marc, it’s what we need anyway.


I have no interest in starting my own, I’m happy just to part of one who has no interest in guild wars.

Crimson Sky, rank 23, DOES guild wars, but it’s not required. I’d say we have 5 - 8 members who never participate. Others participate frequently and others at their leisure. Some do half of their battles for the week, etc. We have never dipped below guild wars tier 2.

I believe we are full at the moment, but may have a spot opening soon. If you’re interested, let me know and I can put you as next in line.

I have absolutely no issues with my current guild as they are a fantastic bunch, I just don’t like the stress of guild wars as I don’t like letting others down. I’m happy to just max my seals, donate my 30th of gold for the week, any extra for legendary tasks if need be, do the event challenge and complete pvp.


I think there are a lot of players like you out there, but no one has stepped up to make a home for them yet. My wife just left her guild for the same reason.

Guild wars need revamping so there are less participants and take the stress off it.

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Try lords of the rings, they do guild wars but no stress. It’s my back up guild

They had 2 spots last I knew

Just as and FYI. On the X1 a Guild of high level NON-GW is called ‘The Ancient Ones’ I think they were around level 1.1k+, They’ll let anyone one in that can met the requirements.

Their requirements are:
NO GW allowed at all. :wink:
Typical T/S/G weekly stuff

Stratagemini is the place for you, we are gathering veterans who want to avoid GW.
We are a core of former stratagem players.
You can find our recrutement thread.
See you soon

OP is on PS4. Are you?