Looking for casual guild, but an active one

I’m currently at level 1077 and can contribute with 1,5kk gold, 1500 seals and play almost every day. Invite code : voldin_8xsh

@Kazuyashin, do we have any room?

Hello Voldin!

Did you found a Guild already? Otherwise it would be a pleasure to invite you :slight_smile:

Here are some infos about our Guild: https://community.gemsofwar.com/t/fairy-dreams-we-have-pills-and-love-guild-wars/50454

Let me know, if you are interested :wink:

You can’t invite PS4 Players to a PC Guild.

Oops, I am blind :dizzy_face:

We have 2 slots still open. Would love to have you in connect4 Rank 148, very active.