Looking for an ambitious guild to MERGE with us to go in the first 100 in no time!

Hi everybody! We are CrossNations, actually at spot #172. We are growing faster but we want to do it even quicker. Here the problem, Less than 15 of our members donate over 2M weekly to do all the tasks, including LT. While the others benefit doing almost nothing.

In the last weeks, our strategy has been to kick them off, but the replacements weren’t good either. We have lost big players (one of them is sitting in the 7th spot with the Sons of Anarchy right now).

We are looking for a guild in the same situation, 10 to 15 players who reach 2M gold (at least) weakly.

If our two guilds merge we can easily scale the rankings, be less frustrated with the leechers, and so on…

Let me know if someone is interested!

2M is a lot! Most of the top guilds on xbox don’t contribute that on a weekly basis so your chances are slim of finding 15 players that will do that. Ambition is good but burnout is bad. If my guild expected 2M a week I would hope elsewhere. I just don’t want to play that much and my rank is 1300 plus. Good luck.