Hi All, Looking for Active Players on Xbox One Lvl500+ to join our friendly Guild Crystal Fusion is the Guild Name Kenshi_F2MW Is My Invite Code All That Is Required Is to be Friendly Join in On Events… Guild wars at the very least setting up defence teams & adding to the sentinels section help with it would be appreciated… & Read Guild Chat When Logged in & reach the weekly Requirements…(Which are Low atm) & be ACTIVE weekly is 10k gold (only donate to active tasks unless you are lower than Lvl1000) , 700 seals, 300 trophies atm) friendly guild all we ask is be ACTIVE
We will help if needed all you have to do is post in the guild chat… If you need the help… play style between balanced & Hardcore come join a growing friendly guild… 12 positions free atm…
How is your guild doing at the moment? My guild, Sultans of Surge, is looking to get rid of some dead weight. Even with the ones who aren’t pulling their weight, we’re at rank 112 & still climbing. We complete all regular guild tasks (not always epic), and we always hit 40k seals for the mythic release. We have space for up to 10 people. If you’d like to merge with us, let me know.