Looking for a good PVP team - Level 433

You have Gorgotha, that traited in first slot backed up by your goblins could work.
Or with your glacion and bone dragon for skull spam/ doom skulls lol. So many fun options :grin:

She’s got Hellcat too.

I think I would work on getting a team of Gorgotha/Nobend/Fizzbang/Grapplepot up and running. Only Gorg needs his traits, the rest are useful but icing.

I do like this team. It is fast and fun. Thank you all!

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Last year when I was in the 500’s I started using this team for PVP…of course it all depends on if you have the cards or not…just do not play this team against one that has psion in the 1st spot.

The Great Maw
Infernal King

double yellow banner