Looking for a ACTIVE GUILD!

Level 926 Looking for a ACTIVE Guild!
I roughly contribute around 60k-100k a day depending on how much time i get to come on after work
sadly My guild has become non existent :frowning:
My Name is Conkledurp If you want to look me up.
I am a very active player, I am On everyday!



If you are interested you could try to join DruidsVale or DruidsHaven after what you prefer. There might be an opening in the near future. PM @NowayJoe2Go for more information. :slight_smile:

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Hello Emma,
if you are interested we are looking for another active member as well. Here is our recruitment text:
[AF7AC5]Schattenwölfe (lvl 348,#138,30k+ seals, 3-5 statues weekly, gw bracket 10) is looking for another longterm member. Our min requirements are 800+ seals, guild wars at least one fight per day, join our discord and stay active.
If you are interested you can add me on discord: ClaudiKruemel#9971

Due to the guild wars, nowadays the best day to change guilds is either Sunday or Monday… If you don’t get an offer you like now, just give it a few days and try again :slight_smile:

On which platform are you playing, by the way? PC/mobile, or any of the consoles?

We are recruiting new members. Now apply!!!

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Please check out Light Army we need daily active players that can help us get back to 15th currently we are 25th in league. No invite needed!

Je suis la GM de la guilde Tamriel et je cherche plusieurs joueurs actifs pour rejoindre la guilde et m’aider à la reconstruire.
Nous avons besoin de joueurs aimant les défis pour la relever suite à un départ massif de nos joueurs?
Nous sommes classés actuellement lvl 62 et la guilde est lvl 507.
Oseras-tu nous rejoindre? Nous sommes très actifs t désireux de remonter au plus vite pour continuer notre progression dans le classement.
J’espère de tout coeur t’accueillir parmis nous.

