Hi all players.
Long time take me to reach the 100k in all the Guild Stats. I´m sure I’m not the first who reach it but maybe the first who post it.
Is difficult to many players because you lose your stats when you leave a guild. I never leave my guild so is more easy to get them.
Probably seals is the hardest part because except if you buy a lot you need a lot of time to reach 100k with 1500 seals weekly. I also buy some that’s why I have some more already. And trophies is the hard part. You need to play a lot also to get 100k trophies.
DarkWarriors reach the 1M Trophies this week and I reach 100k trophies myself.
Also we get 2 Mythic this week in LT > Pharos-Ra and Yasmine ;))))
Sorry if I don´t show more things, but I think the important part is the one who must be seen.
(a little point to devs: you can see how sad is now the guild browser, it need some more life please)
Thx all and cheers