Lolcats guild recruiting - $350k weekly / 800 seals / level 200+; currently 5 vacancies

Mind inviting me? STEFANICK_1

Done! Sorry for the hour or so delay.

Realy nice guild !!!
love to be there :wink:

1 Like

Is it possible to have an invite from you? Currently at lvl 35, VIP 5.
Got addicted to this lately. :smile:
Invite: SARALI

I attempted to invite you but it says you’re in another guild. If you’re still interested, leave your guild and let me know.

Hi Sir, just left the guild. Hope you can send me the invite, thanks again!

Cool, cool. Invite sent!

2 spots open! 1 spot left!

5 spots open this week! $6M in contributions last week, rank 292 in the league now.

Hello!I would like to join level 80 atm,I can get around 100-150 trophy and 50k gold weekly,and from the next week,i can get more,since all my quests will be done by then.SARGERAS is my invite code.Looking for a really active guild,and its hard to find one.

Hi Sargeras - our guild is in the process of slowly upping its weekly requirements. This week is $60k and next week is $100k. After that, depending on how we feel, we may up it some more. Can you handle $60k this week?

Yes,i can get that much,i begin the climbing in tuesday,and will most likely get 60k in one day.The guild needs is always the most important.

Invite sent!

4 more spots available!

Thank you!

1 spot available!

5 spots available this week! We increased our minimum contribution to $100k/week this week.

I have 100% gold armor, I was rank 56 & 99 last 2 weeks (I usually do PvP like crazy sat & sun b4 reset)

I donate all my gold to guild (all kingdoms maxed).

Don’t be fooled by my level… I did spend quite a bit not going to lie :stuck_out_tongue:

Level 61
Invite code: Derek J Lutes

Please NOTE it’s: Derek (space) J (space) Lutes

Invite sent! Actually, rescinded. You lied; none of your kingdoms are maxed and you have a post history that suggests you’ve been mooching for a while.

Id love to join lvl 124 contribute about 120 trophy a and 100k gold weekly. Mishra is invite code thanks

Sounds good - invite sent!